Sara and Gav's Worldwide Tour!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Ok, a few more pics!! so the one of us all piled into a bobsleigh is at the end of our first night off under the influence of quite a bit of alcohol!! every night off has been really good so far, we pretty much go to the same town every time but its always good fun getting away from camp life! and the camp gossip that comes from nights off is always intriguing!!!

the pic of people dressed up was a "find the counselor" hunt which is an all camp activity, the kids get put in teams and do various things, it happens on sundays so this is the only time we have done it but they sound like good fun! i was hiding with carey (red wig) and amazingly we were amongst the last counselors to be found! the other people in the photo are all people we work with, they're all crazy and good fun!!

the other pic is when we had our first out of camp trip to cinema, meal and then july 4th fireworks - not as impressive as we were expecting but the celebration was good fun - all day the americans were singing their anthem! the people in the pic are carey (my first session co-counselor and roomie), kenzie, jen, me and tamera (second session co-counselor), were all pretty close, these are my best buddies!

ok, im going to try to put up more!!


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