ok, last pictures for today!! the first is one of gav and G (ghiles) his best buddie at camp! we plan to visit him in brooklyn when we go to new york city. hes a really cool guy - he may even be gavs best man!!
the photo of me against the jet boating board was on one of the trips absolutely brilliant day out, would recommend that to anyone! and the other photo is of me and gav on board a cruise ship on the last day of first session, gav wasnt suppose to be on the trip but because we had been such good counselors they decided to reward us and put him on a trip that co-insided with mine - very sweet of them, it was a really good evening, i even got a dance out of him!
news for this week, it has been a busy one, gav and i took a group of 19 girls on a 16 miles bike ride to an ice cream palour, rode through rain and hail to get there but it was all good fun! ive been on a bowling trip and i got 3 strikes in one game - first 2 bowls were strikes - amazing (i think the lanes were shorter!) ive also been on a canoe trip, where we canoed to the end of the lake of the camp, cooked food, let the current take us back to camp and sunbathed on the canoes! a very nice day! weve also been to vermont for a shopping trip with the kids - gav came this time as well which was good because he hadnt been before, it was a very relaxing shopping trip this time and i didnt spend a cent! saving it all for new york!!
so now we are planning to hike a mountain, although the guys im with want to wimp out and drive up it because it will take too long to hike and they say i moan! anyway, its a beautiful day so hopefully i might start getting some sun soon!! full steam ahead for the trip next week, going to toronto for 6 days with the kids, niagra falls, 2 theme parks, CN tower, sounds like a lot of fun, just trying our best to get gav on the trip!! anyway, hope all is well back home or abroad if you're on holiday, thank you for all your messages its great to hear from you!!
love you all and miss you heaps!!
sara and gav xx
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