The second day we went all over the island, we started by doing a 7km trek up the beach to India Head to look for tiger sharks and turtles and the like - and you can guess how much we saw - yep nothing! but the views were beautiful! this is gav and i at the end of the rocky hangover and behind us the beautiful cathedral beach!
next stop was eli creek which is a freshwater creek with quite a fast flowing current so you just lay on the water and it carries you down, very relaxing! the water was nice and cold and refreshing too!was so funny being pulled along by water, looking up at the sky and around at the trees, very cool! i think i had my driving stint after eli creek, past the ship wreck and to the next lake i cant remember the name of! driving was a lot of fun, bit hazardous, one of the other groups completely buckled their rear wheel! at the next lake we played a prank on one of the boys adrien, he was sleeping with his arms across his body so we all put sticks up against him so when he woke up he had a wall around him! was funny at the time! that night was an awesom night, loads of us were up for getting completely hammered and had plenty of booze to do it!! we played drinking games, i got up and got people organised into more games (gav said i was a bit teachery but everyone else appreciated it!!) we played hide and seek, we went looking for dingos, we drank some more, had a load of laughs and then all ran for cover in the early hours of the morning when a massive thunder storm appeared out of nowhere!
The last day the whether wasnt so good and some people were starting to get a bit ratty and bossy and you'll be glad to know it wasn't me! i stayed out of it, sat on the fence and im very proud!! we went to a few more lakes, visited a little village, had a make shift lunch as most of the food was either eaten or gone bad but all the groups were in the same situation! was still a good day but the whether didn't help the mood! top trip! had an awesom few days on the island of fraser!when we got back me and harriet a girl from the trip played a little prank on the rest of the group! we took the van back to get checked out and brought back a red ticket to show them all which indicated we'd lost our deposit! they were all completely gutted but Gav hit the roof, he went barmy so we very quickly got out the green note saying all was fine! was so funny! hehe!
Back on the bus, our next stop was rainbow beach where the drivers taught us some aboriginal stories and their uses of boomerangs and didgeridoos! so many people can play these instruments really well and it is so hard! we could bother just about make the sound but its far from easy! still cool pic eh!
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