Sara and Gav's Worldwide Tour!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Ok, last few pics of camp life! you can see Gav here with his fellow cabin mates, Rodger, Dilan, Keith and Chris, all one big happy family!

then theres a few of us girlies, hanging on to eachother for dear life!! from the left is hayley, jen, me, kat, fiona, tamera, claire and kenzie at the front! these photos were from our last night at camp, very sad evening followed by a very sad day although i was so hungover - not the best state to travel 9 hours on a bus!!

the last photo is of a group of us on Manasquan beach in New Jersey, we went to Kenzies shore house for a few days after camp, had a very relaxing time on the beach chilling out - no kids!! the guys at one point decided to bury themselves standing up right was very funny! the sea wasnt that nice though, full of jelly fish! anyway, a very nice way to end camp! love you guys! x


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