Sara and Gav's Worldwide Tour!

Friday, January 26, 2007

this first pic of of santa arriving on the beach! how cool is that! all the kids really believe its him because hes come from the water, flown over and landed on a secret island, left his raindeers there and come to meet them! so cute! would be great to have that kind of thing in england - but where! also on this beach there is a loo with a view! you can see the beach while you pee! funny! had a great new year, also went to a house all decorated up, very cool! xmas day pic is already up had a great time with the family!

These next few pics are of us having surfing lessons in coffs harbour, we had 2 lessons and by the end of it i was beginning to learn to surf along the wave - not quite got the hang of it yet! but have got the hang of getting up and paddling with the wave! gav got qutie good too, i think he caught a few good waves and perfected his poses too as you can see! couldnt resist putting on this great one of me being wiped out, that did happen more often than catching the wave for the first few hours! had a really great time, coffs is suppose to be a good place to swim with dolphins off the coast but we didnt see any, still we had enought to concentrate on! had a great time and now plan to practice in melbourne or adelaide! loving this sport - watch out lyd we'll be coming your way to practice on the cornwall beaches!!!


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