Sara and Gav's Worldwide Tour!

Friday, April 06, 2007

This is a group of us girlies standing by a big hippo pond, not sure if you can see the hippos in the lake behind us!! i thought id put on a pic o some lions hiding in the grass but ive forgotten, still no males but it was pretty cool seeing them creeping along in the grass, we didn't see a kill or anything exciting like that and I'm sure they weren't best pleased that we'd given their position away!! the parks were fantastic, the crater with the magnificent mountain surroundings and the serengetti for its open plains with nothing but animals for as far as the eye could see. the 3 day safari was a definite highlight in the trip and fantastic way to end the journey.

Back at the campsite we enjoyed our last night together at the bar, probably had a few too many to drink but it was a great laugh! gav wasn't very well so went to bed early but we had good fun partying on and i couldn't resist a floor photo!

The end of our journey and I finally decided I should get some pics inside the truck. this journey was very bumpy, bit like fraser island really where we constantly got bumped around on our sits, often air bourne!! it was a fun journey though, everyone in high spirits after a fantastic journey through africa!!


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