hello all!
well ive tried for a while to add some more pics but its not working so I'll just tell you a short story of whats happened up until now!!
so were trekked whiteface mountain, ok, we drove 4.5 miles and walked the final 0.5 mile, but that was pretty challenging itself! the view was amazing could see forever, was a really clear day so it was even better! the car itself was our only problem, our first driver was a bit iffy, found out he'd only just passed his driving test shortly before coming to the USA so was a bit dodgy, and the car almost didnt make it up the mountain but we persevered and made it in the end!
i then went on my applejack trip to toronto, had a fantastic time at the theme parks, camping was also fun, went to niagara falls in the day and night - both times were beautiful, hoping to get some better pics when im back there with gav though! also went to CN tower which was also pretty amazing - looking through the glass floor was a bit scary, got some good pics of that!
now gavs turn: so while sara was away on yet another trip i stayed back at camp and continued to ride my mountain bike around the same tracks iv been riding for 6 weeks! happy camping! after the seventh week of riding i managed to push the wrong brakes and went straight over the handle bars!! i didnt cry though! almost watched a punch up at camp between a staff member and an idiot on the management team, unfortunately our guy got the sack for it and that meant i had to feed the animals he left behind (he was the nature counselor). my best day so far was when the whole camp went out to theme parks and i was left behind with one other guy to paint stones gold for gold rush day - that was fun for all of half an hour! so i took one of the camp directors cars and went to lake placid for a drink! goldrush day itself was fun, i was a bandit this meant i could steal the kids gold and use it to buy drinks and snacks whilst they sat there crying!
last few days of camp were sad, saying goodbye to kids was sad but tamera (co-counselor) didnt actually cry this time but cabin felt very empty after they left. had plenty of fantastic nights out to make up for the lack of people in the cabin!! on one of them i sensibly offered to drive my friends car and got pulled over twice - first for not having headlights on properly - school boy error - then second for driving with hazard lights on (friend was leaning on butto so couldnt find it to turn off) and speeding (didnt see change in speed sign as got lost and speed changes every 100m i swear!) anyway, this policeman a lot more serious i even got breathalised - scariest moment of my life so far im sure but i passed and they let us go without a ticket because i sensibly drove my 2 intoxicated friends home!! phew!!!
so camps over, we left feeling hungover but recoperated at a friends summer house in new jersey and lay on the beach for 2 days! didnt venture into the sea though as could see the jelly fish from the shore!! yuk!!
anyway must go, will keep you posted on the real travelling soon, love you all loads
s and g x