Sara and Gav's Worldwide Tour!

Friday, September 15, 2006

last ones of toronto! the first picture is actually of our last day in toronto, we went on a ferry tour of some of the toronto islands, i think theres 13 of them and we went around 7 of them, they are completely unspoilt, you can't drive a car on them, no-one lives on them - the nearest thing is living on a boat docked onto them which means they are completely beautiful islands. unfortunately our tour didn't drop us off and pick us up so we just sailed around but that was pretty nice anyway. the photo is on the way back to toronto mainland, the sun was just setting so you can see toronto city in the background, it was a really beautiful view and a really nice warm evening - and neither of us got in the slightest sea sick - in fact we're getting quite good at these boat tours!!

the other photos are of MY BIRTHDAY!!! turning 24 wasn't my happiest moment but hey any excuse to celebrate! we had a really good day despite the really crappy weather! we went on a trip to niagara falls and on the way we went to a wine tasting session to try ice wine only really made in canada (mainly niagara) - its made from frozen grapes, each grape gives 2 drops of pure grape juice so you can imagine how sweet the wine is! first we had a chardonnay sweet factor 1, then a german desert wine sweet factor 3, then ice wine sweet factor 22!! was like a syrup, couldn't drink much at once, was nice but very very sweet! from there we went to niagara falls, we went on maid of the mist and got hailed and rained on but hey we were still happy and even in the rain the falls were still spectacular! we also did the journey behind the falls which was a bit disappointing as although you are behind the falls the peep hole they give you to look out of is so small you can't really appreciate it but it was good all the same - i really wanted to go to the american side of the falls but time wouldn't allow it - i'm sure the americans probably let you get a bit closer! so theres also one of us with both falls in the background, a little wet but we had dried off quite a lot by then! it was a really warm day just a little wet! on the way home we stopped off at niagara lake, niagara whirlpool, niagara villiage and a few other places all very nice to see! we had a few drinks in the hostel in the evening with some of the guys from the trip, we were going to venture out but because the schools arent back nowheres open on a tuesday night - but no fear - there was a party at the hostel the next evening so we partied like troopers and made up for it then - had a good and fairly cheep night! a good birthday - one we will definitely both remember!! bye bye toronto!


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