so these are a few more pics from montreal, we are planning to catch up on the website soon just not sure when// (no exclamation mark key so using /// instead). ok, the first pic of me and the one below of montreal at sunset was actually on our last night in montreal when we hiked up parc mont royal, god that was a steep climb looking back on it but then when we got to the top and looked out it all seemed worth, the view was breathtaking - especially when we could see between all the trees blocking the view/// but it was cool, a unique way of seeing the city. the one of gav all uniformed up is when we went jet boating which was awesom, gav loved it although was a little scared of drowning/// the last one is when we went to the botanical gardens - one funny story, after only eating junk food we found a veg garden and munched on vegetables for a few mins and god they tasted so good// bit naughty but good// ok, got to go, the guy who owns the computer im on is leaving and taking the laptop with him// will update again soon we hope// miss you all xxx
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