So we left canada - took an age to get through the border back into america as loads of people didn't have visas - what we're they thinking! so we finally arrived at Albany to be met by Carey and Courtney - blimey Courtney's hair had got long!! we had a fun filled few days, chilled the first night catching up on gossip - my favourite pastime!! - found out that courtney didnt get sacked at all from camp so don't know what mike was going on about police being called!! anyway, so the 3 of us went shopping whilst carey played football, we then went bowling, courtney kicked arse - i only managed 1 strike in 4 games, i lost count of how many courtney got - he won 3 games and gav won 1, i lost all of them! but hey its the taking part right! we met up with carey later, her team won woowho, and had another chilled fun evening! we all had a sad parting the next day BUT WE WILL SEE EACHOTHER AGAIN!!!
From Albany we went to Boston! within an hour of arriving we were off on a pub crawl with about 20 others from the hostel so met loads of people really quickly and got to hit the nightlife of boston - which is pretty cool! went to 4 or 5 bars, one of them our 'guide' couldnt get into because his ID had expired! very funny! the next day - it rained ALL day! we walked around trying to find salem for about an hour - later found out its about 15 miles from boston - oops must have read the map wrong! so, soaked to the skin we decided to get on a tour bus, 1 to dry off, and 2 to actually find the places we wanted to find! the tour guides were really good and told us loads of funny stories about boston! did you know its the most expensive place to live in the USA? and the most expensive area of boston is on top of what was once a rubbish/swamp/dump? funny! on the bus we went all over boston city, through the boston gardens, round cambridge, went up to harvard uni which was pretty cool but also very similar to any other uni! we went to the USS Constitution (a war ship), the beacon hill monument - but couldn't actually get near it coz of construction works! we also went to the new england aquarium - 1 of the pics above is of me holding a star fish - much harder than i thought, i thought they would be soft but i think they have some sort of shell on them - anyway, the whole thing was pretty cool, dragon fish are cool if you ever get a chance to see them!
luckily our second day in boston was better, beautiful in fact, sun shone all day! so we went up the prudential tower and got some beautiful views over boston, the one of me i think has the Back Bay area of Boston behind me and the Boston Common Gardens - absolutely gorgeous! from there we went through a mall and took a picture of gav with a boston cow - these cows were all over the city in hundreds of different designs, they were being auctioned off for charity, i cant remember the big thing about boston cows but it is a big deal for some reason! oh, theres also a photo of me and gav having lunch on boston common garden, sorry its upside down, took it ourselves! the gardens looked so much better in the sun! boston is beautiful, we can see why people talk about it so much and why it is so expensive - some of the most expensive just look so grand!
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